Birth Chart Reading

Birth Astrology Report

The birth chart astrology reading is your personal astrological profile. Based on your date of birth, time & place, it can be used as a tool to deepen your self-awareness by looking at the nature you were born with. It is the foundation for all other reports in astrology and is as individual as your finger prints. The specific energy indicated at the time and place of your birth by planets in zodiac signs is also reflected in you.

Know thyself and thou shall know all the mysteries of the gods and of the universe

unknown author

Greek temple at Delphi

The birth chart reading is a detailed horoscope analysis by Australian astrologer Stephanie Johnson of Seeing With Stars in PDF format. It is ideal for personal guidance or that special gift for a special occasion such as birthdays. All we need are the birth details and email address and we will send a personalised report to them directly usually within 24 hours. Simply complete the order form on the bottom of this page to begin the order process. Chapters of the birth chart report are detailed below.


Birth Chart Reading Chapters

Your Life Goals

Birth Chart| Astrology reading

The first section of the birth chart analysis, looks at your life goals linked to your Sun – its zodiac sign and position in your birth chart. The Sun gives you an indication of how you can shine in your life. You will feel truly alive when you’re living the traits indicated by your Sun. Therefore it’s likely that you will spend much of your life on a journey to self discovery, aiming to incorporate these traits into your life. Understanding the energy of your Sun is a good starting point to understanding yourself and your purpose in life.

Your Home

Birth Chart | Home | Astrology Reading

This section looks at your roots, home and family, linked to the Moon’s position in your natal chart. The Moon also shows our habitual nature or subconscious patterns of behaviour which stand in the way of achieving our life goals. While the Moon can show us our strengths, it can also depict our weaknesses which need to be overcome in order to be successful in life.

Your Education & Communication

Birth Chart | Education | Astrology Reading

This section looks at your academic schooling and learning through life experience which is linked to the position of planet Mercury in your birth chart. Mercury stands for the intellect, common sense, cold reason, commerce and business. It tells us about our communication and learning habits and our modes of thinking.

Your Relationships

Birth Chart | Relationships | Astrology Reading

This section looks at your relationships with is linked to the position of Venus in your natal chart. Venus tells about love and relationships, revealing the type of relationship we value, and what we are seeking from our most intimate relationship, as well as how we like to show our love. It answers questions such as, are we attracted to strong, sensual and intense relationships? Or do we prefer some freedom and independence?

Your Motivation

Birth Chart | Motivation | Astrology Reading

Linked to the position of Mars in your horoscope, this section looks at your motivation. Mars is the planet that tells us about our assertion and drive. It tells us what motivates us and what desires drive us most powerfully. Are we ambitious for professional power, or do we desire a meaningful relationship? Do we pursue our desires aggressively? Or do we sit back, lacking the confidence to achieve our ambitions? These are the types of questions answered by the qualities of the planet Mars in our chart.

Your Career & Ambition

Birth Chart | Career | Astrology Reading

This part looks your career and ambition and is associated with the planet Saturn in your horoscope. Saturn represents responsibility, boundaries and structure; structure that provides a positive framework within which we can build, or structure that limits our development and forces us to reassess our liabilities and assets. This planet is also linked with our ambitions, and how we approach the practical side of life. This planet often represents the professional side of our lives.

Your Creativity & Originality

Birth Chart | Creativity | Astrology Reading

This section examines your creativity & originality which is associated with the position of planet Uranus in your natal chart. Uranus represents originality and unconventionality. This can be both the unusual and brilliant genius or the wilful rebel without a cause. This planet tells us the areas in which we break with convention, become innovative and experiment with new and exciting ways. In some circles of astrology Uranus represents the creative genius which comes directly via our soul or higher self.

Your Purpose & Joy

Birth Chart | Purpose | Astrology Reading

The final section of your birth chart analysis, examines your purpose and joy and is linked to the position of planet Pluto in your horoscope. Pluto challenges us to transform our lives by clearing out our old habits to make way for the new, more rewarding ways of living. The process isn’t necessarily an easy one, as most of us cling tenaciously to the comfort offered by habitual patterns, and are rather scared of new paths. Pluto shows us in which areas of our lives we need to grow, and to a certain extent whether we’re likely to find the process of growing painful or joyful.



Generate your birth chart reading by filling in the name, gender, date of birth, time of birth (if known) and place of birth and the email address for report delivery and press ‘Pay via PayPal’ to begin the order process. On the next screen, tick any additional reports you may want to add to your order and press the ‘Pay via PayPal’ button.

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Astrology readings are usually delivered to your inbox within 24 hours of receipt of successful payment. They are in PDF format and include a birth chart also known as a natal chart or horoscope. Make sure to check spam and junk folders for your report.


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